Thursday, December 4, 2008

A name is in what?

Most often we ask, "What's in a name?" However, while I'm busy trying to get more information together to post on family history, you might want to have some fun asking a different question with this site:, where your may find where the greatest concentration of a particular name is located. After you see the international spread, you may click on a particular country or state or county to find the statistics. Pretty interesting! Be sure to try the various spellings of a name, such as "Rosenbalm" and "Rosenbaum."

For instance, the greatest number of Lovedays are located in Australia. In the U.S., Tennessee leads with the most Lovedays. What Tennessee county would you suppose has the most Lovedays?

The Loveday name is of Old English orgin, "Leofdaeg," and may be found as far back as the Domesday Book of 1086. It was originally a woman's name, given to those born on the Love Day holiday, when disputes and transgressions were to be forgiven and reconciled. The Love Day is mentioned in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Piers Plowman. Loveday is still a common name for women in England, where the surname also prevails.